Monday, May 3, 2010

The Personal Assistant

Belle et Bonne looked up from reading Einstein's email.

This is funny, she said.

We know, said The VeloDrone, but is it supposed to be? That's what we want you to find out.

Leave it to me, Papa, said Belle et Bonne.

She began to type:

Dear Mr Einstein,
As you are aware, your recent submission to our magazine Velosophy is full of hilarious typos. The editors have not stopped cackling all morning. However, as their Personal Assistant, I am taking it upon myself to check certain matters with you before we go to publication. I ask you therefore to re-read your article and answer the following questions:

1.) Your working formula currently reads BB=PGG=M=0. Is this correct? Did you mean it to read B=PG=M=0 ?
2.) Please confirm the inclusion of the sentence which reads: Of course I do not expect the general community to understaaaand it.
3.) Please confirm the spelling of understaaaand, if the sentence is to be included.
4.) Please confirm the inclusion of the sentence Oh damn!
5.)Please confirm the inclusion of the sentence which reads: Thee bacspac butto is stuc ag!!!! has a min of its own.
6.) Please confirm the spelling of the following words: Thee, backspac, butto, stuc, ag, min, if the sentence is to be included.
7.)Please confirm that you wished to sign the article: AEEEEEEEE

I await your earliest reply,

Yours faithfully,

Belle et Bonne
Personal Assistant to The Editors

There, said Belle et Bonne. That should do it.

Steady on, my dear, said The VeloDrone. It's a, isn't it?

Course it is, said Belle et Bonne, pressing the send button.

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