Sunday, November 6, 2011

Coming Down

You're very sharp, Mr Vello, said Margaret. For a philosopher, she added.

I'm not just any philosopher, said The VeloDrone. I've been at it for a very long time, and so has David.

Why haven't I heard of you? said Margaret. It's not as though there are many philosophers about these days. There's that nice young Alain de Botton....

Yes yes, Alain de Botton! said The Velodrone. There is him. But perhaps you've heard of Voltaire and David Hume?

That's you? exclaimed Margaret.

One of them is, said The VeloDrone. Guess which one.

You are Voltaire , said Margaret, because David is too fat. I apologise for not knowing who you were. We weren't introduced. Well well, I am in luck!

The VeloDrone was already regretting that he had revealed himself.

In luck, he said faintly.

Yes, said Margaret. Because I'm learning French.

Aha, said The VeloDrone. David is excellent at French. Shall we go down?

They went down the zigzag path and found Le Bon David snoozing in the sun.

Bonjour David, said Margaret. Comment ca va?

Pardon? said David, waking suddenly. Oh Margaret. It's you. Why are you speaking in French?

Margaret is taking lessons, said The Velodrone quickly. And she's heard that you speak excellent French.

I speak excellent French for a Scotsman, said Le Bon David. Vello here is your man if you want a native speaker.

And here's something that will amuse you, David, said The VeloDrone. She thinks you're too fat to be me.

What does she mean? said Le Bon David. I've lost weight since I rode in the Tour de France.

You rode in the Tour de France! said Margaret. Now I'm really in luck. I'm thinking of buying a bicycle....

I think it's time we got back to the Field Geologists picnic, said Le Bon David. We were going to introduce you to Gaius. He rides a bicycle too.

Really? said Margaret. Tell me, your friend Gaius, is he married at all?

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