Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Nothing Sticking Out

Kobo didn't know who Hitler was, but she was sure he didn't get his name because he hit people. She asked Baby Pierre to ask Pierre, his mummy. Pierre said she would ask the Manifest Stone. The Manifest Stone answered ommmmmmm. Pierre relayed this answer to Baby Pierre who then told Kobo: Hitler is an om. Hmmm thought Kobo. Is that English or French?

She wrote back to Ageless.

dear ageless (she wrote)
i'mm not thick. you are the one who doesn't know who hitler is. you are thick for thinking that if hitler won the war he would hit people. what if hitler was called cutler, ageless? would he win the war and cut people?

what if he was called butler??? ha ha ageless it doesn't mmake any sense.

and anyway, everybody knows that hitler is an ommmm.

ageless i amm becommming worried about the new eye you are going to steal for me, although of course i don't approve of stealing. i amm worried because i only have one aperture. i amm not sure one eye alone will work, what about the depth of vision, ageless, what?

how handsomme will you be if you look flat?

and as for kissing i know about kissing ageless. i will not know where to kiss you if there is nothing sticking out for me to kiss.

help mme out ageless

love frommm your smmarter-than-you but unhappy girlfriend kobo clammm

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