Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Charmed Life

Meanwhile, Katherine and Margaret have driven off in search of the Arthur Lineament.

Gaius, Ying and Arthur are in the back, with Ying in the middle.

Arthur's shorts are still wet from this morning. She can feel a damp patch on her leg.

Now then, Arthur, says Margaret. You've been to the Lineament. You must direct us.

I know the way! says Ying. It's part of the GeoTrail.

Oh good girl! says Margaret. Ha ha. We don't need you Arthur.

In that case, says Gaius, Arthur can help me to sort out these notes.

He leans across Ying and hands Arthur a large sheaf of papers.

Some of the papers drop into Ying's lap.

Ying picks up the top one.

It's her mark sheet. Two extra credits. Is that all? She'll see about that.

Turn left, says Ying. Down this track here.

Katherine turns left.

Oh no! says Katherine. My car won't....

We'll all get out then, says Margaret. Come on.

They get out and follow Ying to a place of dark jagged rocks, folding and thrusting.

See this, says Ying. This is part of a Cambrian-age high strain metamorphic belt, formed as a result of Middle Cambrian arc-continent collisions.

Is it indeed? says Margaret. Oh yes I see. It looks to be composed of allochthonous slices. And look here. Do I see amphibolites and mafic schists? How very fascinating.

Yes, says Ying. They say some of these granitoid rocks may correlate with the Willouran flood basalts in South Australia.

Marvellous! says Margaret. I must take one home. Arthur! Bring me my hammer.

Oh sure. Like Arthur is going to break off a huge chunk of granite. What does she think this is, the Thai-Burma death railway?

Arthur turns and walks back to the car.

He gets in and stares out of the window, at the crashing green ocean.

Gaius's face appears at the window.

Have you found Margaret's hammer? asks Gaius.

No, says Arthur. And I'm asking myself why I'm here.

That's just what I'm asking myself, says Gaius.

He gets in and joins Arthur staring out of the window, at the thundering blue ocean.

Katherine appears. She gets into the driver's seat.

Sorry, says Katherine. This hasn't worked out very well. Would either of you like a sweetie?

She opens the glove box.

An assortment of jelly beans tumble out.

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