Friday, January 2, 2015

Failure And The Sad Result

A map? Arthur doesn't have one.

Rosamunda googles one up.

Drat, says Gaius. No way out but the highway.

What's the matter? asks Unni. Is it the note?

Yes, says Gaius. Katherine is here in Tasmania.

Of course she is, says Rosamunda. How d'you think she got her car back?

And that's not the worst of it, says Gaius. She's with MARGARET.

She is, says Rosamunda. I suppose we ought to have told you. They want to meet up.

I shall have to come up with a plan to avoid them, says Gaius. Arthur, any suggestions?

Huh? says Arthur, who has been talking Tour tactics with Sweezus.

About Katherine and Margaret, says Gaius. They're motoring this way.

So? says Arthur.

Read this, says Gaius, pushing Arthur the note.

Dear Gaius (reads Arthur), I shall overlook the fact that you made off with my car without asking. It has all turned out for the best. I am here in Tasmania with Margaret, who is keen to catch up. We shall motor to Burnie, and then on to Penguin, Smithton and Marrawah, looking out for your Wicked camper. See you shortly, regards Katherine.

There's no other road out of Marrawah, says Gaius. They're bound to spot me.

They'll spot the camper, says Arthur. But you might not be in it.

They'd spot me on a bicycle, says Gaius.

Country people ..... begins Arthur, looking at Zak, who after all, has a Hilux.

Are idiots, says Marx, unhelpfully.

Zak is not even listening. He's on the phone to a mate.

But imagine. If he had been listening:

He could have given Gaius a lift back to Burnie. enhancing the reputation of people who live in the country.

Gaius could have avoided a meeting with Margaret.

Arthur would have earned kudos for the escape plan.

And Marx's cruel comment would have proved to be nothing more than the sad result of a classical education.

Instead, a vehicle rolls up outside the general store.

Katherine and Margaret get out.

They enter.

Well I never, says Katherine.  Inside every princess is a sphincter. What genius came up with that one?

It's meant to say blowhole, says Terence.

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