Monday, April 20, 2015

Mystic Horrors, Violet Clots

Gaius, Sweezus, Ferdy and two Dempsters are waiting anxiously at the boat ramp.

My boat, groans Ed Dempster. And my fool of a brother!

Is that them? asks Ferdy, pointing seawards.

They appear to be sinking, says Gaius.

And rising, says Sweezus. It's heaps wavy.

Quite a big swell, says Mary-Margaret.

The Georgette surges towards them, and crashes into the boat ramp.

Crunch. Andrew Dempster leaps out.

Everyone helps pull the Georgette to safety.

Mary-Emily disembarks neatly, followed by Arthur, the string and Brianna.

Camera? says Ferdy.

Andrew Dempster reaches in and throws him the camera.

Phew, says Ferdy. And where's the rebreather?

Here, says Arthur. It was no good.

I bet you went down too far, says Sweezus.

He did, says Brianna. And guess what. We lost Baby Pierre overboard.

but I got a blank space baby
and I'll write your name la la la .......I think I'll go to Perth now, and get polished

I know that song. Blank Space. Taylor Swift! says Sweezus. It's awesome.

I love her, says Brianna.

I don't know her, says Mary-Emily. Is she one of the new young ones?

Honestly! says Mary-Margaret. Get real, everyone. There's been a man overboard.

Yes, says Gaius. One of my men. And the only one who can breathe under water.

I can breathe under water, says Brianna. Well, no I can't but I don't need to. And HE doesn't need to.

That's a good point, says Gaius. It doesn't matter how long we take to accomplish his rescue.

No, it doesn't, says Brianna. Because you'll never find him. Everything moves, under water.

She's right, says Arthur. I was down there. It was delirium, slow rhythms, bitter redness.

Are you okay? asks Sweezus.

The low sun spotted with mystic horrors, lighting up with long violet clots, says Arthur.

He's not okay, says Sweezus. Arthur? Arthur?

I am, says Arthur. Look at the sky.

And truly, Arthur is only describing what's in plain view in highly poetical language.

( He IS that French poet, thinks Mary-Emily Dempster. And on our boat. What an epiphany!)

It is getting dark, and still they are standing with their feet in the water.

Two bicycles approach, on the sand, wheeled by two ecologists.

Gaius! croaks Ageless, from the bicycle basket of Sylvia.

Ageless! says Gaius. Were you successful?

Ageless thinks about the question.

Was he successful? Should he answer in front of these people? Kobo might kill him.

Yes, says Ageless modestly. We had our private moments. Sweet and creamy.

Not that, says Gaius. The ruby sea dragon! Did you spot one?

Not exactly, says Ageless. But I have a plan. I have fashioned a submersible contraption.

He waves the red paper patty pan at Gaius. It's now crumbless.

If you think... says a voice from inside Sylvia's back pack.

Sylvia lifts Kobo out, and places her on the sand. Then Ageless.

If you think... begins Kobo again.

Now my dearest, says Ageless. Fear not. I've been thinking. It's a job that suits Baby Pierre.

Silence, followed by more silence.

What? says Ageless. Where is he? Where has my boy gone?

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