Thursday, November 10, 2016

A Synchronicity Of Loss

Daniel O'Connell's legs have not gone into the whizzer.

Gaius has retrieved them, promising to return them to the Chem Lab.

Diego has got his supervisor's permission, and is making the moulds.

Daniel O'Connell watches with mixed emotions.

His cherished legs. There they go, into the plasticene blob that Diego has taken from the cupboard.

Diego presses the fragile green legs down, with his thumbs.

Daniel O'Connell is certain this will result in the legs becoming misshapen.

And then what? His new microlattice legs will also be misshapen.

Why is nothing straightforward?

This reminds him of Baby Pierre.

Where is he?


Sweezus, Ying and Terence are still in the air, flying Vueling.

They are not due in Tenerife until half past three.

Terence is singing.

We're all in the air.
Sweezus is here.
Ying is near
And me, and Baby Pierre.

Stop humming, says Sweezus.

He wasn't bothering anyone, says Ying.

Except me, says Sweezus. I'm trying to think what to write in the postcards.

All five of them, says Ying.

Yeah, says Sweezus. Don't remind me.

We're all in the air..... sings Terence again.

Don't write anything, says Ying. Wait till we know what's happened to Daniel O'Connell.

And me, and Baby Pierre, sings Terence loudly.


A synchronicity occurs in the air, on Vueling, and in the Chem Lab

At the same moment, EVERYONE realises (except for Diego)

That Baby Pierre is not with them.

And thinks: So, he must be with the others.


Baby Pierre is waiting at Barcelona airport, having got that far.

His Sancho Panza hat is his only comfort.

Being an atheist.


The Rector thinks he might look in at the leg moulding process.

He stops reading the article about traffic flow models that he has been reading.

It will be nice to take a trip out to the Anaga Mountains tomorrow.

He must remember to look out a map.

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