Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Every Mistake Is A Lesson

On board the Lagoon, Cally is handing out snorkels, from a blue plastic container.

It's Tiny Sacrifice's turn to ask for a snorkel.

Is it for you? asks Cally. Because you're too small for a snorkel.

No, says Tiny Sacrifice. It's for my big friend.

Tell your big friend to line up for a snorkel, says Cally.

He's got a sore leg, says Tiny Sacrifice.

Then he doesn't need a snorkel, says Cally.

Tiny Sacrifice goes back to Terence, who doesn't have a sore leg because it was just a ruse to obtain a snorkel, and the ruse didn't work.

It's hard being a good Until-Parrot.

On the way back he is thinking: Terence can't go.

You can't go, says Tiny Sacrifice.

Why? says Terence.

You've got a sore leg, says Tiny Sacrifice. That's what I said, and that's why you can't go.

But I haven't, says Terence. The reason I can't go is I'm not allowed to. You should have got one for you and then given it to me.

I'm too small for a snorkel, says Tiny Sacrifice. I'm small enough to fit inside it.

Hey! says Terence. You're a genius! Come on, Until-Parrot.

He drags Tiny Sacrifice back to Cally.

Is this your big friend? asks Cally. His leg looks okay.

No, it's hurting says Terence.

Cally bends down to look. Terence reaches into the box of snorkels while she isn't looking.

Cally straightens up.

Uh-uh. Put it back, sweetheart. You're not allowed one.

Terence drops the snorkel, accidentally, on the deck of the catamaran.

Tiny Sacrifice stares at the snorkel.

Terence hasn't spelled out the plan.

Terence raises his little cement eyebrows.


Get in, mouths Terence.

Quick as a flash Tiny Sacrifice squeezes into the snorkel, and quick as a second flash, Terence kicks the snorkel over the side.

Success. Now Tiny Sacrifice is in the water, inside a snorkel.

He can.....

But what is the rest of the plan?


On board the Jolly Roger, Nose has finished handing out snorkels.

The guests are all snorkelling down there in the water, looking for turtles.

Here come a few turtles. How nice they are, swimming together, the people and the turtles.

Nose watches for signs of trouble or distress, as she takes her job seriously.

No, everything is good down there, look at that turtle, ooh... is it choking? no it isn't.... what's that?  someone's lost a snorkel.

She reports to the captain. Permission to go down, captain.

Yes, Nose. Go down. Let's hope it's not one of our snorkels.

Nose climbs down the Jolly Roger's rope ladder, reaches out as the snorkel floats nearer and grabs it!

Then she climbs back up the rope ladder.

Tiny Sacrifice is only too glad to be rescued. He was in difficulty. He slides out of the snorkel.

Holy-moly! says Nose. Where did you come from?

Terence, gasps Tiny Sacrifice.

Terence! says Nose. So he did see me!

Are you his parrot? asks Tiny Sacrifice.

Still evolving, says Nose. It's a journey. What about you?

I'm the Until-Parrot, says Tiny Sacrifice. But I keep stuffing up.

Don't think that way, says Nose. Every mistake is a lesson.

I love you, says Tiny Sacrifice. You think every mistake is a lesson.

(It seems Tiny Sacrifice falls in love often. That's twice already).

Come down to the galley, says Nose. We've got ...I shouldn't say this... but we've got a fine collection of dead insects.

Yum, says Tiny Sacrifice, who has eaten nothing since the fateful half raisin.

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