Friday, April 14, 2017

The Club Of Jilted Lovers

Follow me, says Terence.

Mastigo is not fond of following, but he follows.

Terence trudges through the sand to the spot where he last saw Kobo.

Ageless is there.

Masteego? sneers Ageless. Welcome to the club of jilted lovers.

Mastigo is taken aback.

He's a poet, says Terence. Like me.

We're all poets, mutters Ageless. That's half  the trouble.

Ho! says Mastigo. What do you mean?

Seems they all love Picasso, says Ageless. Freedom. Painting. Running on the beach with their hair back, when they don't even have hair. Or legs.

Do you mean Tangerine? asks Mastigo.

Hear that? says Terence. Mean Tangerine.

Very clever, says Ageless. But what good is it? Our women are off in the moonlight, entangled somewhere, sand in their orifices.....

Entangled, says Mastigo. Orifices? This is alarming. Which way? Can you say?

Terence likes this one. He tries to come up with one of his own. Kobo will know. But he can't use the same one again.

I'd say.... that way, says Ageless pointing.

Anyone who knows Ageless (except Terence) will know that Ageless is pointing in the opposite direction to that taken by his beloved and her paramour.

Ho! says Mastigo. And then again. But.... no.

He sits down beside Ageless.

I have a confession to make.

He's a snake, says Terence.

Not much of a confession, says Ageless.

It's a rhyme, bumhead, says Terence.

A confession, continues Mastigo. May I run it by you?

Go ahead, says Ageless. I'm not busy.

In order to find out where Tangerine was, I sacrificed one of our babies, says Mastigo.

Ageless is delighted. Mastigo is a complete bastard.

On second thoughts, says Ageless. I believe they went that way.

Thank you, says Mastigo. But what is your frank opinion?

Definitely that way, says Ageless.

No, about my behaviour, says Mastigo.

I have no opinion, says Ageless, but Tangerine will have an opinion. And so will my beloved. You may lose her. But if you lose her, I may lose my little cream puff, for I believe they are attracted....

No opinion, says Mastigo. That's good. Coming Terence?

Yes! Terence has finally got one.

The coolest rhyme ever.

Let's you and me go, Mastigo!

They go.

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