Tuesday, April 18, 2017

While His Mouth Is Open

I don't know you, says Griff.

Richard Ligon, says young Richard Ligon.

Impossible, says Griff. Richard Ligon was sixty years old.

When you knew him, says young Richard Ligon.

When he came to Barbados, says Griff. I didn't know him.

He was my squillionth-generations-ago great grandpa, says young Richard Ligon.

Is there a tap? asks Gaius. If I may interrupt your reunion.

Sink's over there, says young Richard Ligon, pointing to a lab sink with taps.

Gaius pulls out the slimy handkerchief.

You don't say, says Griff. And how did you know me?

Folk memory, says young Richard Ligon.

Griff looks confused.

Facebook, says young Richard Ligon.

I'm not on Facebook, says Griff.

No? says young Richard Ligon, placing his empty banana leaf on a bench top.

Which will turn out lucky, as we shall soon learn.

Ach! cries Gaius. The snake's hatched already!

Brea..k..fast, whispers Tiny Sacrifice. His voice is not fully developed.

Is that a baby Barbados racer? asks young Richard Ligon.

Oho, says Griff. Your squillionth grandpa would be proud of you. He was the first Brit to record one.

I know, says young Richard Ligon. But they're extinct now. Or so we thought.

That's why we're here, says Gaius. To organise a DNA test. We have reason to believe that this baby is a cross-species baby.

It looks hungry, says young Richard Ligon. Pity I finished my conkie.

He picks up Tiny Sacrifice and places him on the banana leaf.

Tiny Sacrifice sniffs, and licks the banana leaf with his tongue.

Euw. Raspy.

Except for half a raisin.

He eats the half raisin.


But that's not the end of the story.

Gaius has taken off his trousers and is running them under the tap, before squeezing them out.

Griff is catching up on gossip with young Richard Ligon.

I thought Richard Ligon never married, or had any children.

Now you know different.

Gaius is trying to put on his trousers, while hopping.

Tiny Sacrifice is coughing.

Hic! Cuh! Cuh!

This would be a good time to take a swab for the DNA test, while his mouth is open.

Young Richard Ligon, whips out a cotton bud.

Pokes it in.

Tiny Sacrifice thinks the cotton bud must be extra breakfast.

Noooo! Too late!

He swallows it. Glup glup.

Tiny Sacrifice is stiff as a board.

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