Friday, August 28, 2020

Team Bubble

 Saint Roley lands beside Gaius.

Did you find Terence? asks Gaius. 

Yes, at the playground, says Saint  Roley. He gave me some news.

What's that? asks Gaius, thinking it will be about orange peel or turnips.

The Tour de France, says Saint Roley. It's starting!

Dear me, when? asks Gaius. 

Now, says Saint Roley. 

I'll call Vello, says Gaius. I'll see what he wants me to do. Perhaps you could alert Arthur.

Saint Roley flies off to find Arthur.

Gaius calls Vello.

Vello! Hello!

Hello Gaius, says Vello. You do realise what time it is?

Yes, of course I do, says Gaius. Afternoon. I'm just calling to see if you knew the Tour de France was on.

Naturally, says Vello. That's why I'm in Nice, trying to get a good night's sleep, before the big day tomorrow..

But how did you get there with all the travel restrictions and so on? asks Gaius.

Exemption, says Vello. Due to being a French icon. And I wangled one for David because he's also beloved by the French. 

You don't say, says  Gaius. So, Team Philosophe has just two team members. It hardly seems worth it

Ahem, coughs Vello. I've got Sweezus as well. 

Hum, says Gaius. He's neither French nor a philosopher. You could have asked me. I have my own iconic status. Well good luck. Enjoy yourselves. I'll try and keep up with what happens, but I should warn you I'm busy.

It's not all joy here, says Vello. We have to wear masks, there's no food room, endless forms to fill in and they keep sticking things up our noses. Be glad you're not here. It's no picnic being in a Team Bubble with Sweezus. 

Bon chance, says Gaius, ending the call abruptly.

Meanwhile Saint Roley has caught up with Arthur and told him the news.

The Tour de France is starting.

But Arthur appears not to care.

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