Saturday, August 20, 2022

You Guys are Heroes

The carrot is floating, and not going anywhere. 

This pond is not like the Seine.

Nevertheless the carrot likes the feeling of water.

Two ducks are approaching, leaving widening ripples behind them.

Kwa-kwa! says the first duck. 

Kwa-kwa! says the second.

Carrot! says the carrot.

Roo-kai flies down.

Just as I thought, there are no arrows, says Roo-kai. And why is our carrot in the water?

Don't worry, says Terence. Ducks don't eat carrots.

You don't know ducks, says Roo-kai.

The ducks are now centimetres from the carrot.

It's a raw carrot, says Roo-kai.

I see that, says the first duck. We were hoping for bread.

Ha ha! Orange bread! laughs Terence.

It's not that funny, says the duck. What about a croissant?

Yeah? says the second duck. They're orange.

Golden-brown, says Roo-kai. Anyway. It's a carrot. Off you go. 

We do eat carrots, says the first duck over its shoulder, as they paddle away.

Cooked or grated, says the second duck. Either way, very nutritious.

Maybe I should try it, says Roo-kai.

Carrot! squeaks the carrot.

It makes a big effort, and starts floating away.

It's floating away! cries Terence. Get it!

Roo-kai is about to step in when Parsley swims by, followed by Team Romeo-Kowlesi.

I win! puffs Parsley.

You can't win, says Terence. My team is stronger.

Too bad, says Parsley. I'm here, aren't I? And look where they are.

In fact, team Romeo-Knowlesi has changed direction and is swimming for the carrot.

They reach it, and turn it around.

They nudge it towards the edge of the pond.

Yay! says Terence. You guys are heroes!

Thanks, says Quiet-tartus. A life is a life.

Show-offs, says Parsley. You only did that because I was winning. You don't even like the carrot.

The carrot is now floating within arm's reach of Terence.

Should it try and float off again? To what end? It really wants to return to the Seine, and float solo to Le Havre. But there are constant hazards. Now Roo-kai, who it thought was benign, has begun to consider it a source of nutrition.

O Carrot! 

Calm down! Breathe, carrot. Let Terence pluck you out of the water. He won't eat you.

Terence leans in.

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