Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Deadline In Two Parts

Charles de Gaulle airport.

Where is Arthur? asks Gaius.

It's just us, says Vello. You, me, Pierre-Louis and David.

And me and my parrot, says Terence.

Why isn't he coming? asks Gaius.

He is coming, says Terence. I just told you.

Not the parrot, says Gaius. I was referring to Arthur.

They're flying back via Melbourne, says David. Ranger Roger lives there.

He lives in the Central Highlands, says Gaius. Don't tell me they're all going there!

No idea, says Vello. As long as Sweezus meets his deadline.

What's a deadline? asks Terence.

A time limit, says Vello. If you don't make the deadline you're dead.

Hear that? says Terence to parrot. If you don't learn to fly soon you're dead.

That is unfair, says Gaius. The parrot is wooden.

The parrot (or two wooden ducks, joined together), makes no sign of understanding.

Figuratively dead, says Vello. I wouldn't go so far as to top Sweezus.

Ha ha, laughs David. I'd like to see you try it.

Terence thinks he ought to tell Sweezus this.

Flight Q567 is now boarding, says a muffled announcer.

They shuffle onto the plane.

Where is this child's ticket? asks the attendant.

He doesn't have one, says Gaius. He is part of my luggage.

Then he must complete the flight in your back pack, says the attendant.

No way! says Terence. My parrot has a deadline.

I see no parrot, says the attendant. I'll be walking down the aisle in a minute, and I don't want to see this infant.

You won't, says Gaius. 

The flight attendant lets them get on.

They find their seats mid aircraft.

They are all in a row.

Vello (window seat). David, Pierre-Louis and Gaius.

Terence stands in the aisle, with his parrot.

Gaius lifts them both into the overhead locker

You can come down as soon as we're flying, says Gaius. Be ready.

We'll be ready, says Terence. 

It's dark in the overhead locker.

The plane takes off.

Suitcases bump into back packs and boxes.

This is bad for my cracks, says Terence.

The two wooden ducks comprising the parrot rub together. Squack-squack.

Is that you or me? asks Terence.

Aeons pass, and several deadlines.

>>>> ------ ------ ------

At last the overhead locker opens.

The parrot-ducks tumble out and swing in mid air, suspended by string.

Terence falls into Gaius's arms... in two parts.

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