Sunday, July 30, 2023

Separation Of Waca And Cwaca

Now it looks more like a parrot, says Monique.

Does it? asks Terence.

He looks at his duck.

One duck looks more like a parrot than two ducks, says Monique.

Yes! says Terence. What shall we do with the other one?

The other one looks apprehensive.

You could give it to me, says Monique.

Okay, says Terence. But not the wheels. I need them.

Monique wrenches the second duck from its wheeled platform.

Now I've got my own parrot, says Monique.

It's a duck, says Terence.

Okay, says Monique. I knew that. I'm going to call my duck Waca.

That's a good name, says Terence. My parrot doesn't have one.

Give it one, says Monique.

Parrots usually talk, says Terence. And they tell you. This one doesn't.

It said ouch before, says Monique. That means it can talk.  Ask it.

Terence lifts his parrot to eye level.

What's your name? asks Terence.

Waca, says the parrot.

No, says Terence. That's a duck's name. And someone's already got it.

Waca-waca, says the parrot.

It still sounds like a duck's name. says Monique. Maybe it doesn't know it's a parrot.

There's a reason for that, says the parrot.

Hoorah! The parrot is talking.

What's the reason? asks Terence.

I'm not one, says the parrot.

I always have a parrot, says Terence. If you can't be a parrot you can't be my parrot.

What are the advantages of being your parrot? asks the parrot.

What does that mean? asks Terence.

What's good about it? asks the parrot.

Everything, says Terence, I'm getting some shoes.

That's you, says the parrot. What do I get?

Me with shoes, says Terence. And when I get shoes I'll ask Gaius to glue the wheels on. And we'll whizz everywhere.

You're forgetting something, says the parrot.

Yes, says Monique. He had his own wheels until we pulled them off.

That's good, says Terence. That means he knows how they work and.....

I can coach you! says the parrot. Why didn't you say? I accept the position. And my name will be Cwaca.

Cwaca, says Terence. 

Cwaca the coach, says Monique.

Cabin crew prepare the cabin for landing, says a voice. All passengers please return to your seats.

That's you, says Monique. Don't forget your wheels. 

Terence takes the wheels and Cwaca and walks back to Gaius. 

Cwaca takes note of Terence's gait.

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