Sunday, January 11, 2009


Kites! said Pliny the Elder. Did someone mention kites? And then not invite me to have my say? I know a few things about the seleucis avis.

Sorry Pliny, I replied, but they were not that sort of kite.

What sort were they? he asked sharply.

They were the sort that people make out of paper or plastic and fly in the wind from a piece of string.

Oh yes, the Chinese people used to do that. I mention them in my writings. They were called the Seres people in those days. They had red hair and blue eyes. They used kites when fishing, attaching a hook to the kite, enabling them to drop it far from their boat and thus deceive the fish.

Pliny! You don't know that!

I have read that it was so. You can look it up yourself in the History of Kites. The Chinese made their kites in the shape of birds, most commonly the kite. That is how the paper kite got its name in English. Would you like me to tell you what I know about the seleucis avis ?

No Pliny, let us reserve that treat for tomorrow.

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