Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Thinking Street

Chocolate? What kind is it?

Dark energy.

Oh I see. Is that why I can't actually see it?


What a pity. I like chocolate.

So do I. My friend Li Feng gave me a chocolate this morning. A Ferrero Rocher. She didn't have one herself. She never does. She says they give her pimples. That reminds me. Something she told me supports the hypothesis of the expanding universe. Two things actually.

What were they?

The first thing was that when she went to visit the Tax Office last Wednesday, it had moved. It was much further away than it used to be. She called them on her mobile and a nice man gave her directions, so she got there eventually. I asked her where the Tax Office is now and she said it was on Thinking Street. That means I probably wouldn't be able to find it either.

Thinking Street. There isn't a Thinking Street in the city is there?

No, that's just it. Unless she meant King William Street.

Mmm. What was the other thing?

She said that when she goes to the Central Market, and parks her car in the Central Market carpark, she always gets charged for an extra hour, even though she makes sure that she gets to the exit with four minutes to spare.

Perhaps their clock is fast, or hers is slow.

No, she's checked, and they're both right, but it happens every time.

Doesn't that support the hypothesis of a contracting universe, if she doesn't get as long as she thinks she should?

No I don't think so. She ends up with 56 minutes of parking time that she's paid for but doesn't need. That's a lot of extra time. And time is equivalent to space, on the space time continuum.

True. Especially in a carpark.

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