Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Pliny to Me, Me to Pliny

Greetings, wanderer,
You should not lie about the whereabouts of birds. If you were to tell me now that you had seen the grey cranes I should not know whether to believe you.

I know nothing about the tuna. Am I to understand that you wish me to pretend to your daughter that I have eaten it myself? I assure you this is not the case. I suspect you know what has happened to the tuna. And where is the lettuce?

Until our next communication,

Gaius Plinius Secundus


Dear Pliny,
I have posted some tuna to our house could you please check the letterbox on Friday. The lettuce is OUTSIDE! I thought you knew.

No I have not seen any grey cranes but I saw an osprey nest up a pole, with an osprey in it. We were on the way to Ballina. Here they are called the Birds of the Gods. Yesterday we walked to the Wardell cemetery. It is all white sand there which looks like snow. Some of the graves are nothing but heaps of sand with plastic flowers on top. They do not blow away in the wind, which is miraculous. Today we are going to Byron Bay.


The Wanderer

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