Saturday, October 9, 2010

Skovoola or Scaevola

Why do you want to know? I asked.

I thought Barbie's boyfriend was Ken, said Pliny.

I'm impressed that you know, I said. Skovoola wasn't really her boyfriend. He was the photographer at the bridal shoot.

Yes, said Pliny, but he turned up again at the beach.

True, I said. I'm sure it was more than coincidence. Anyway, I believe Skovoola was meant to be Swedish. I looked up a list of Swedish boys' names, but Skovoola wasn't on it, so it can't be very common.

I wonder, said Pliny thoughtfully, if there is a connection with the name Scaevola?

The flower? I asked

Not the flower, said Pliny. Gaius Mucius Scaevolus, also known as Scaevola, for his brave deed in defying Lars Porsena.

Well, it does sound rather similar, I said. What does his name mean and what was his brave deed?

The name means left-handed. It happened back in 500BC, or thereabouts. The Etruscan king Lars Porsena was marching on Rome. Gaius Mucius Scaevolus was captured by Porsena, after a failed assassination attempt. He was ordered to reveal the names of the other Roman plotters, under threat of torture. Scaevola deliberately thrust his right hand into the fire to show his contempt. Porsena was so impressed he set him free. Scaevola then revealed the details of the plot, which was so alarming that Porsena immediately made peace with Rome.

What a story, I said. So he saved Rome and was rewarded with a nickname.

Which subsequently found its way to Sweden, said Pliny.

Possibly, I said.

Yes, said Pliny. Possibly. And thence to Barbie Soccer Coach.

I like it, I said.

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