Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Bicycle Maths

Sweezus, Surfing-With-Whales and Arthur arrive at the ferry terminal in Devonport.

They are in a queue waiting to load bicycles on.

Hey! says a cyclist, to Arthur. I know you!

Arthur looks at the cyclist.

It's the one that he hit with the door.

Going to Melbourne? asks the cyclist.

Adelaide, says Arthur. The Tour Down Under. We're in it. This is my team.

Hi, says the cyclist to Sweezus and Surfing-With-Whales. You don't happen to need another team member?

We do, says Sweezus. Do you have any experience?

Sure, says the cyclist. Heaps. My name is Pablo Neruda. What's yours?


The wicked Camper pulls up at the ferry terminal in Devonport.

Marx and Terence get out.

Bye, guys! says Rosamunda. Have a good trip back to Adelaide.

Good bye and thank you, says Marx.

Why aren't they coming? asks Terence, as the Wicked camper disappears down the road.

They have something in common, says Marx darkly.

I know! says Terence. The bicycle!

Bicycle! No, it was something female that Karl Marx had detected.

But it is true that they have driven off with his bicycle.


Katherine's car is the last to arrive at the ferry terminal.

It stops but no one gets out.

Inside the car, a discussion:

Ying: How are we meant to get back now?

Gaius: No doubt there is some sort of......bus.

Margaret: Gaius, this is so typical.

Katherine: Disorganised.

Gaius: A change of plan.

Stew: We had bikes. Where are they?

Ying: On top of the camper. Oh look, there's Karl Marx and Terence!

Katherine ( head out of the window): Yoo hoo!

Marx (coming over): Hello, Katherine.

Terence ( behind him, and lower): When can we get on?

Marx: When we're ready.

Ying: Where's the camper?

Marx: The girls have gone off already.

Terence: With the bicycle.

Ying: Bicycle?

Marx: My bicycle. Not to worry.

Stew: Only one bicycle? There were two.

Marx: There were four. What does it matter?

Ying: We need to get back to the Uni, to get the samples analysed, and present our papers.

Gaius: Good girl. And here's your assessment. I've awarded you ten extra credits. And five for Stew. Give it to Poppy.

Ying: I don't understand why you aren't coming.

Margaret: Because everything's gone tits-up.

Gaius: Not at all. Time has got away from me. I must return to Adelaide to set up my team.

Katherine: Team? Aren't you riding with Vello and David?

Gaius: No one told me. Am I?

Katherine: Well I thought so. They managed to attract one good rider, and they needed one more, and thought of you.

Gaius: Who is it?

Katherine: Richard Dawkins.

Marx: The atheist?

Terence: What's an atheist?

Katherine: Marx will explain. Now do please get out of the car, Ying and Stew. Margaret and I don't want to miss our booking for dinner.


Toot toot. The Spirit Of Tasmania departs for the night crossing to Melbourne, with one bicycle extra, but one bicycle short.

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