Saturday, April 11, 2015

To Run With a Big Woman

Right! How beautiful is this! says Ferdy, when the Perth Scuba van pulls up in Lucky Bay.

Very nice, says Gaius.

This is not high enough praise for Ferdy.

World's clearest water, says Ferdy.

That's useful, says Gaius.

Ferdy turns to Arthur and Sweezus, who are looking more suitably impressed.

Surfing! says Sweezus, who has spotted people surfing.

Camping! says Arthur, who likes camping, and finding a use for his skewers.

Yes, in Lucky Bay, people are surfing and camping, and launching their boats from the boat ramp, into waters that are unusually crystalline.

The second most beautiful place in Western Australia, says Ferdy proudly.

Second most! says Baby Pierre. Who says so?

Australian Traveller, says Ferdy. Two thousand and nine.

Wow, says Brianna. That a lot of Australian Travellers.

No, says Ferdy. That was the date that they said it.

Oh, says Brianna. Did they all say it?

Gaius is already thinking about the logistics of deep water diving.

Shouldn't he have some sort of boat?

Arthur, says Gaius, I know you're keen to rush off and start camping, but it occurs to me that we're in need of a boat.

Leave it to me, says Arthur. He goes down to the boat ramp.

Show us the underwater camera, says Sweezus to Ferdy.

Ferdy pulls it out of its box.

It's a Canon Powershot G16 digital camera in Fantasea Canon G16 Housing.

Oh man, says Sweezus. I always wanted to use one of those.

Baby Pierre comes over to look at the camera in the Fantasea Housing.

It looks enormous. He is not a large pebble.

It's too big for Baby Pierre, says Brianna. He won't manage it.

Pooh, says Baby Pierre. I have managed a BICYCLE!

Let her make up a song about that!


The boat has arrived at Twiggy's Landing on Woody Island.

Ageless has gallantly lifted Kobo out of the purple basket with high handles.

Pepper has picked up her basket, and gone off with her mummy.

Pity, says Ageless.

What's a pity? asks Kobo.

That basket, says Ageless. You could have ..... but no.

What? says Kobo.

Nothing, says Ageless. Hurry up my precious. There's so much to see here. Would you like to go paddling?

All right, says Kobo. And I should like to hold hands and run with you.

Oh! Oh ! ejaculates Ageless. Would you? He has almost forgotten his plans to lower her in a basket to the depths of the ocean to spot ruby sea dragons.

Somehow. If he can recover the basket from Pepper.

Yes, says Kobo. Ideally my fantasy is to run with a woman. A big one. Like the women in Picasso's painting.

Click, click, says Ageless. Your fantasies are overwhelming! Let us run now, and paddle later.

They start to run holding hands. Neither of them has real ones.

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