Thursday, October 13, 2016

And The Darkness Grows Redder

Okay, says Ying. I'll organise tickets. So, it's Gaius and Kong, Arthur and Sweezus, and me. That's five adults. And then Terence...

You forgot someone, says Daniel O'Connell.

You won't need a ticket, says Ying.

This is news to Daniel O'Connell.

No, says Ying. You can go in the box.

She leaves, in order to organise tickets.

Daniel sits down on the table, deflated.

Belle is dressing Geoff Darwin and Cedric Walnut.

I guess you won't be needing these guys, says Belle. What'll I do with them?

They might as well go in the box, says Daniel O'Connell. At least I'll have someone to talk to.

Geoff Darwin and Cedric Walnut are dropped in the box.

Daniel O'Connell climbs in.

He sits down heavily, in a red corner.

A monkey and a squirrel, says Daniel O'Connell, in deep gloom.

Cheer up, says Geoff Darwin, the monkey. We'll just make the best of it.

Are you okay? asks Cedric Walnut, the squirrel. Can we help you? You look thin and pale, and your breathing is funny.

There is nothing worse than being told that you look thin and pale and your breathing is funny.

Daniel O'Connell feels faint and disorientated.

Terence peers into the box.

He sees Daniel O'Connell looking pale in the corner.

We're quite concerned about your spider, says Geoff Darwin loudly, upwards.

That's because he's SAD, says Terence. And I know why. I get a ticket, and he doesn't.

Ouch! The truth hurts. A blow for Daniel O'Connell.

Terence closes the lid of the red cardboard Rooibos tea box.

And the darkness grows redder.


Time passes.


Ying has the tickets.

Just one little hitch, says Ying, but it won't be a problem.


Turns out she can't get enough tickets for everyone to fly to Barcelona together.

So two adults must fly out first. And three adults and Terence, two days later.

The box won't be a problem.

And how has Ying divided the party?

Fuck, says Sweezus. She's split us. I knew it....

She has unfinished business with me, says Arthur. Remember her car, and the wallet?

But you bought her lunch heaps of times, says Sweezus.

With her money, says Arthur.

Women, says Sweezus.


Not all women, adds Sweezus.

What a philosopher.


So what's happening is this. Ying and Arthur fly out tomorrow, with Daniel O'Connell.

Two days later, Gaius, Kong and Sweezus, with Terence.

And they all meet in Barcelona, next Tuesday, outside the Sagrada Familia.

There, Terence will reunite briefly with his family (except for Saint Joseph).

Then, the whole party will fly out to Tenerife, where Daniel O'Connell....

(who is in a bad place at the moment)

(what if he doesn't make it?)

But we won't get ahead of ourselves.

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