Friday, May 15, 2020

Perceptive On Occasion

Are you off now? asks Victor.

Yes, says Gaius. We're ready to go. Thanks for the loan of the bicycles.

No worries, says Victor. Just see you return them.

Of course, says Gaius. I'll let you know when that will be.

Oh I'll know, says Victor.

Gaius dismisses this as a boastful remark.

He and Kierkegaard set off in the direction of Mount Compass.

Gaius in front, because he has studied the route map.

Terence, in Gaius's back pack, facing outwards.

Kierkegaard behind.

Alexander-Red-Hook dangles from his handlebars, in her knotted string basket.

The Funny Face is in its paper bag, next to another paper bag, containing four German rolls, and a third one, containing two Danish tarts.

They are in Kierkegaard's back pack, which is not a proper one, but a converted foil lined shopper.

The handles are short.

All right back there? calls Gaius.

Fine, says Kierkegaard, The short handles are improving my posture.

Good man, says Gaius. How are you, Terence?

I can only see where we've been, says Terence.

Never mind, says Gaius. Your parrot can see where we're going.

Terence had not thought of that.

Hey, my parrot! shouts Terence.

Meaning me? shouts Alexander-Red-Hook.

Meaning you, says Terence. Can you see where we're going?

Sometimes, says Alexander-Red-Hook.

When? asks Terence.

Now.... not now now, says Alexander-Red-Hook.

Why not now? asks Terence.

Wrong question. You asked that just when I could see where we were going, says Alexander-Red-Hook.

What did you see when you could see where we were going? asks Terence.

Yellow, says Alexander-Red-Hook.

Terence is disappointed.

Yellow reminds me of sand, says Alexander-Red-Hook. And my dear sister, Alexander-Yellowsun. If only I could revisit the past.

That's what I have to do all the time, in this backpack, says Terence.

I heard that, says Gaius. Facing backwards is not the same thing as revisiting the past. Revisiting the past, for you, would be going back to Middleton. Or Barcelona.

I'm not facing backwards, says Terence. I'm facing forwards and being bicycled backwards.

He's right! says Kierkegaard. Got you there, Gaius.

Well argued, Terence, says Gaius. You can be quite perceptive, on occasion.

Yes, says Terence. Look, an E-mew!

Where? asks Gaius, looking up and wobbling all over the road.

Watch out! cries Kierkegaard. A car is coming!

Gaius rights himself and his bicycle, just in time.

The car zooms by.

Did you really spot an emu wren, Terence? asks Gaius. We have not yet reached the swamp habitat.

Yes, says Terence.

What did it look like?

Fast, says Terence.

And what were its features?

A beak, says Terence. And feathers....

And a really long tail, says Alexander-Red-Hook. I saw it too.

Great! Terence knew he was perceptive!

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