Wednesday, November 22, 2023

The Cloacal Kiss

Right, says Auntie Leena. What are we looking for?

Orange-bellied parrots, says Du Fresne.

There's not many of them about these days, says Auntie Doreen.

I know, says Du Fresne. And I'm looking for two in particular.

That's even harder, says Auntie Doreen. Unless they look different.

They don't look different, says Du Fresne. 

What does everyone reckon? says Auntie Flora. Split up and look around?

Let's have another cup of tea first, says Auntie Doreen.

I'll start now, says Du Fresne.

Don't go too far, says Auntie Leena.

I can't go too far, says Du Fresne. It would help if I didn't have this string on.

All right, says Auntie Leena. I'll undo it.

Alors! Du Fresne is now free.

He makes his way slowly out of the bird hide.

And edges away.

He passes some eucalypts. He does not notice the hollows inside.  

Therefore he does not notice the rotten wood chips inside the hollows.

On which a bird sits.

The bird is a female orange-bellied parrot. 

She is waiting for her new partner to come back.

He's a strange one, her new partner, and so is his brother.

They seem timorous and yet.....they tell such stories. 

She pokes her head out of the hollow.

A lobster, what's he doing here?

She withdraws, so the lobster won't see her.

But then, why not be bold? 

She emerges.

Hello stranger!

Du Fresne stiffens. And turns. 

An orange-bellied parrot!

Well met! says Du Fresne. I don't suppose you are one of the orange-bellied parrots who came here on a ferry?

No, says the female.

Or that you know of them? says Dr Fresne.

Who's asking? asks the female.

Captain Du Fresne, says Du Fresne. On behalf of my fellow sea captain, Baudin, who asked me to check on their mating successes.

Why would he care? asks the female.

He would not, says Du Fresne. He asked me on behalf of an acquaintance, who does.

And he is...? asks the female.

Gaius Plinius Secundus, says Du Fresne. 

Long name, says the female.

It's not so unusual, says Du Fresne. I myself am called Marc-Joseph Marion Du Fresne.

Isn't Marion a girl's name? asks the female.

No it isn't, says Du Fresne. So, do you have information, or am I wasting my time?

I'm the partner of one of them, says the female. And...we've done it.

Done what? asks Du Fresne. 

The cloacal kiss, says the female.

Cloacal kiss! Ahem!

Du Fresne is startled by her candour.

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