Thursday, February 4, 2010


Me: Have you finished?

Pliny the Elder: Finished what?

Me: Your holiday blog.

Pliny the Elder: Yes, why?

Me: Only that you didn't sign off. You just wrote 'And here I fell asleep'.

Pliny the Elder: Well, obviously, you can't sign off after you've fallen asleep.

Me: Oh. I thought you meant you'd fallen asleep in the car.

Pliny the Elder: Yes. That was why it was amusing.

Me: I see. Well, the holiday seems to have done you good. Lightened you up a little. Your blog is delightful. And I must say, you are more observant than I am.

Pliny the Elder: Thank you. I enjoyed myself a great deal. I am only sorry that I wasn't given an opportunity to visit the Moonta Mines.

Me: Yes, I know. I'm sorry. But we'd done it all before. You sit on a little train and rumble around the tailings heaps and pump houses and the cementation works. I forgot you hadn't seen it.

Pliny the Elder: I did see it, from across the road while you were in the Old Fashioned Sweet Shop.

Me: Oh yes. That was a waste of time that Sweet Shop. We heard some ladies talking in the back room but they didn't come out into the shop. Too bad, they missed out on selling us a bag of humbugs.

Pliny the Elder: Oh, did they have humbugs?

Me: Yes, but I was glad they didn't come out because I would have felt obliged to buy something and as it was I didn't.

Pliny the Elder: Why did you go in then?

Me : I was looking for honey.

Pliny the Elder: Sweet shops don't sell honey.

Me: I know that now.

Pliny the Elder: All the same it's a pity about the humbugs.

Me: Why?

Pliny the Elder: I like humbugs.

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