Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Confused and Surprised

Pliny is reading an email. He looks puzzled.

Me: Is that an answer to your complaining letter?

Pliny: Yes, but I do not understand it. It appears to be from Professor John F Healey, but he claims he is not the translator of my Natural History.

Me: How peculiar. What does he say?

Pliny: He says, Dear friend, I have just now received your letter of complaint. I fear you have sent it to the wrong man. I am Professor John F Healey, Professor of Semitic, Ugaritic and Aramaic studies at Manchester University. The man deserving of your ire is Professor John F Healy, Professor of Classics at London University. I suggest you reroute your complaint to him.

Me: Oh dear, Pliny, you seem to have sent your complaint to the wrong Professor Healy. Yes look, it's Healy not Healey. Didn't you check?

Pliny: No. Who would have thought there would be two of them?

Me: There aren't two of them. One is a Healy and the other is a Healey. And they are professors of completely different things.

Pliny: Well, no harm is done. I shall now send my complaining letter to Professor Healy. And meanwhile I have made a new acquaintance. Professor Healey is interested in continuing our correspondence. He has added a little footnote to his missive.

Me: What does he say?

Pliny: Well, it is a little strange.

Me: Why am I not surprised?

Pliny: I think you will be. Professor Healey asks if I am that same Pliny who once wrote an article for the magazine Velosophy. It seems he is a bicycle philosopher and has written something on the topic. He asks if I would care to put in a good word for him with the editors.

Me: My goodness! You're right, I am surprised.

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