Sunday, September 5, 2010

The Invitations

Of course it was Belle et Bonne who opened the email. She read it once and then she read it again.

Pliny the Elder, she said to herself. Who does he think he is?

She read it a third time.

Two professors with the same name, she thought. It could be a laugh.

She consulted Madam Denis.

What do you think? she said. Should I write to them inviting them to contribute something?

Madam Denis looked dubious.

Classics! she sniffed. And Ugaritic studies! These professors are hardly philosophers.

But how do you know? And you know papa and Uncle David don't really care as long as there are bicycles. I think I will.

Perhaps you should ask your papa first.

No Marie, it will be better as a surprise.

And so it was that later that day the two professors received the following invitations:

Dear Professor John F Healy,

On behalf of Le Bon David and The VeloDrone, editors of Velosophy, it is my great pleasure to invite you to contribute a short article on the subject of bicycle philosophy, as it relates to Ugaritic studies.

Yours sincerely,
Belle et Bonne.
( for the Editors )

Dear Professor John F Healey

On behalf of Le Bon David and The VeloDrone, editors of Velosophy, it is my great pleasure to invite you to contribute a short article on the subject of bicycle philosophy, as it relates to Classical studies.

Yours sincerely,

Belle et Bonne
( for the Editors )

Only Belle et Bonne knows whether she has mixed them up on purpose.

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