Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Tantalus on a Tricycle

I like it, said The VeloDrone. "It's nice not being a god". Obviously a man after my own heart.

Papa! said Belle et Bonne, how do you know what it's like being a god?

Of course, my dear, I don't know. But who has not, in his idler moments, considered what it it might be like to be a god?

Me, papa. I'm sure I never have.

Well, well, said The VeloDrone fondly, we are all different I suppose. Now, who is this Professor Healy and why has he written his article on a subject which he claims to know nothing about? He's written a little note here with words to that effect.

I don't know papa, I'm sure.

Very odd, said The VeloDrone. But we'll publish it, I think it's quite amusing. What have you there, my dear?

It's something that's just arrived, papa, from Professor Healey.

Ah! The same chap! What is this about? Let me see! He's very disappointed ....what?

He's very disappointed that he's had to write his article on Classics, when it's not his field. But that he's trying, and he thinks he's coming up with something interesting.

What's the matter with him? cried The VeloDrone. He can write whatever he likes as long as there's a bicycle.

Yes, papa, and look, he's given us the title.

Where, where? What's this? "Tantalus on a Tricycle"! I see a theme developing!

But that's impossible! cried Belle et Bonne.

Impossible, my dear? Oh yes, I see what you mean. A tricycle is not exactly a bicycle. But I think just this once we can let it go through.

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