Monday, June 13, 2011

We All Know

Sing the Galumph Frog Song, said Pliny, finally.

Alright, I said.

I sang the Galumph Frog Song, as best I could.

That song doesn't make sense, said Pliny. Frogs don't go ladidadida.

I know, I said.

But the words are 'We all know frogs go ladidadida', said Pliny.

That's why it's funny, I said. Frogs don't really go ladidadida. They go galumph.

They don't go galumph either, in my experience, said Pliny.

What do they go, in your experience? I asked.

Ridip, said Pliny. As everyone knows. Your song is foolish.

Well, I said, so is your fear of tomatoes. Why are they evil? Were there evil tomatoes in ancient Rome?

Of course not, said Pliny. There is a website called Tomatoes are Evil. I obtain my information from there. The Aztecs used to eat them. And we all know how blood thirsty they were.

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