Sunday, October 25, 2015

Live Fast Die Last

Nowra. Ray drives down Junction Street.

Stop here, Ray, says Katherine.

Ray stops the ute outside the Aquatique Surf Shop.

Coming in with us? asks Katherine.

No, I'll stay here, says Ray. Someone needs to keep an eye on the Bristlebirds.

Katherine, Sweezus and Unni enter the Surf Shop.

Inside the Surf Shop:

Des: G'day guys. Lookin' for anything in particular?

Sweezus: Yeah, boardies.

Des: Got these new ones in from Jet Pilot.

Sweezus: Let's see. Woah! "Live Fast Die Last"! That's cool!

Des: Yeah, they're pretty awesome. They come in black and brown or black and purple.

Katherine: Do you really want to wear a picture of a girl in a coffin, and that motto?

Sweezus: Yeah, but Live Fast Die Last is kind of.... you know.....

Unni: What, exactly?

Des: Is this your sister and your granny?

Sweezus: No way.

Unni: Die LAST? Is it a movie?

Des: I think it's a song. So what, anyway? It's manly. However if granny and sister don't like 'em, how about these ones?

He shows Sweezus a pair of Big Sleeps by Hurley.

Sweezus: Big Sleeps, the street artist? He's unique, man.

Katherine: I can't quite read it. What does it say?

Des: Yeah, he's got this stylised script. Grannies can't read it.

Katherine: It looks like B-I-G  S-L-E-E-P-S.  And something else I can't.....

Sweezus: Okay. I like them. And what about a tank or a muscle top?

Unni: D'you like this one?

Sweezus: Wicked!  Deus ex Machina.

Unni: That's so you.

Katherine: The black goes well with the black and white board shorts. Quite striking.

Des: Goes well with? Striking? Pfff! What's that about?

Sweezus: Heh! She's just kidding. It's tricky shopping with women.

He goes off to try on the Hurley Big Sleeps board shorts and the Deus ex Machina tank top.

Comes back, looking remarkably striking.

Katherine: Very nice. How much will that be?

Des: Hundred and forty five altogether.

Katherine: That's expensive!

Des: The Jet Pilots are cheaper. If he got them it'd only be a hundred and five.

Sweezus: And I like them better.

Katherine: All right, try them on then.


Outside Aquatique Surf Shop:

If you live FAST, says Unni, shouldn't you die FIRST?

No, says Sweezus. You don't get it.

What's dad up to? says Unni.

Ray is leaning over into the back of the ute, poking the lid of the red box with a barbecue fork.

DAD! yelps Unni. Don't take the lid off!

I wasn't, says Ray, straightening up. I was just checking.


Inside the red box ( Schrodinger's box) the Bristlebirds talk quantum mechanics.

Mr Bristlebird: Did you hear that?

Mrs Bristlebird: They're checking.

Mr Bristlebird: If we're alive or dead in this box.

Mrs Bristlebird: And are we?

Mr Bristlebird: What do you think?

Mrs Bristlebird: We'll know when they open it.

Mr Bristlebird: We know already. They'll know when they open it.

Mrs Bristlebird: And if there's only one of us......?

Mr Bristlebird: That will prove that you CAN think about quantum states for large objects.

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