Saturday, October 10, 2015

Splits On The Path To Enlightenment

Tom Wallenius is taken aback.

You didn't tell me it was a BIBLE, says Tom.

Just don't wet it, says Ray.

He opens his bible at Job 39, verse 25. Or let's say he tries to. The pages are stuck fast together.

Can you get good DNA from bird shit? asks Unni.

Sure you can, answers Tom. But this'll be tricky.

He tries to prise open the pages. Rurp!

Stop! cries Ray. I value this bible too highly.....

Yes you do, says Katherine. I always thought so.

......for it to be further damaged, says Ray.

As to that, says Katherine, why don't we just go back to the tree from which you were shat on?

Do you know where it is? asks Tom.

Yes I do, says Katherine. I sat under it most of yesterday, reading my book, Love Sweat and Tears, by Zelie Bullen.

Are you reading that? says Tom. Me too. Isn't she amazing!

Amazing, says Katherine. Am I right in thinking you are easily distracted?

Why do you ask? says Tom.

We appear to have shifted our focus, says Katherine. What about the spider?

True, says Tom. And I only have limited time. We should split into two groups. Spider and Bristlebird.

I'll be in Bristlebird, says Katherine. This is fun . Just like school. Who else is in my group?

Not me, says Sweezus. I'll be in Spider.

Me too, says Keanu.

Me too, Spider, says Beau.

I'm pretty well obliged to be in Spider, says Tom.

I prefer Spider, says Ray. After what happened.

The desecration of Job, says Katherine. Dear, dear. Why do bad things happen to good people?

Ray ignores the barbed question.

That leaves Unni. She should really join Katherine. But she wants to ask questions of Tom.

You go with them, dear, says Katherine. I'll look for the Bristlebird. I'll step softly.

Thanks, Katherine, says Unni. Good luck.

Katherine makes her way back to the tree under which the fateful defecation happened.

Stepping softly. Crunch crunch. Feet crushing tiny acacia blossoms, and dry nut cases.

Mrs Bristlebird looks up from her ground nest, in alarm.

Mr Bristlebird whistles.

Katherine looks up.

Mrs Bristlebird sees Katherine's foot coming nearer. She panics and flies up to join Mr Bristlebird.

They watch sadly as Katherine steps on their hopes for the future.

Why do bad things happen to critically endangered species?

Never mind dear, says Mr Bristlebird. One must be resigned, as it said in that book that I read upside down yesterday.

Pooh to that! says Mrs Bristlebird. I hope she slips and breaks her ankle.

But Katherine doesn't.

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