Sunday, October 4, 2015

Uncertainty And The Subliminal

Cave Beach. There will be a cave.

Let's say there is, and Sweezus has entered.

His good mood has turned sour.

He sits in the cave and reviews his situation.

Here he is at a dope surfing beach with no surfboard, that's fucked for a start.....and no dudes he knows here.....and he's starving....what's up with Katherine and her freakin biocheese....yeah...... and Doctor Wallenius fronting up tomorrow and he can't even remember where he found that lame-ass spider.

Yes, Sweezus is having a downer.

He hears sounds from deep within the cave. He stiffens, and stops his endo-whinge-rant.

'Blown out'. One of the sounds forms itself into a verb (or past participle).

'My bad'. Another sound forms into an adjective, used as noun.

Two guys appear to be talking.

That is they appear, and are talking.

Now Sweezus realises he knows them.

Daz and Woppa!

Daz and Woppa are not surprised to see Sweezus. Dudes never are.

Mate, says Daz. You here camping?

Yeah, says Sweezus. But it's kind of random.

No board? says Woppa. I'd lend you mine but it's friggin delammed.

You can use mine mate, says Daz. We're heading back to the campsite to get dinner.

Sweezus is torn. Dinner or surfing. He consults his internals.


Back at the campsite, Doris is serving up sausages to her kids and to Katherine, Ray and Unni.

Her kids have eaten numerous sausages smothered in sauce.

Go to the showers, kids, says Doris, and then we'll divide up the oranges.

The kids head off to the showers, with their towels and their peejays.

Good kids, says Ray. They do what you tell them.

Not always, says Doris.


I'm worried about Sweezus, says Unni. He hasn't come back yet.

Your boyfriend? asks Doris.

Not exactly, says Unni.

Was he surfing? asks Doris. There were sharks spotted in Jervis Bay early this morning.

Eek. And now darkness is falling.

Only Ray is not worried.

As if, says Ray, patting his bible, of which two pages (of Job 39)  are now stuck together.

I wonder where those kids are, says Doris. They're taking their time.

I'll go and find them, says Unni.

Take a torch, says Doris, taking a torch from a hamper.

The torchlight flickers across the tents and the low bushes, as the crunch of Unni's footsteps fades to somewhere below the subliminal.......

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