Saturday, October 22, 2016

Beyond Good And Evil

Hello, says Terence.

Hello, says Baby Pierre.

What are you doing here? asks Terence.

Travelling with Edith, says Baby Pierre. She's going on a pilgrimage.

Me too, says Terence.

No you aren't, says Baby Pierre. You're only going to Barcelona.

On the way to the Canaries, says Terence. YOU know that.

Baby Pierre decides to keep on being nasty.

Nice hat, says Baby Pierre. I bet I know why you got it.

Why? says Terence, who already knows why he got it.

So Saint Joseph won't see you, says Baby Pierre. You must be scared.

That's not why, says Terence. And you're mean. I'm going back now.

Can I come? asks Baby Pierre.

Oh! says Edith. Don't go.

She's asking me questions, says Baby Pierre.

What kind of questions? asks Terence.

Why is there so much evil in the world? says Baby Pierre.

I didn't ask that, says Edith.

No she didn't, says the man reading The Girl On The Train.

I KNOW the answer! says Terence. Ask ME.

You don't know, says Baby Pierre. And that's a GIRL'S hat.

What's the answer? asks the man reading The Girl on the Train.

It isn't a girl's hat, says Terence. Why is it?

Because it's got a ribbon, says Baby Pierre. So it won't blow off. That's GIRLY.

It's a CORD, says Terence. And you're a bumhole.

Edith can't tolerate bad language. Even from a cherubic cement Baby Jesus, in a sunhat.

I think you'd better go back to your companions, she says stiffly. And tell them to wash your mouth out with soap.

I'll come with you, says Baby Pierre. To make sure that you tell them to do it.

Don't tell them, says Terence. But come anyway. It's nice in business class. They give you anything you ask for.

Humph, says Edith.

I'm asking for a sunhat, says Baby Pierre. A proper boy's one.

Terence reaches up to choke Baby Pierre.

Edith notices that one of Terence's fingers has been broken, and replaced by a claw.

But she doesn't try to save Baby Pierre.

Is she having a crisis of faith in the spirit of Saint Peter, who has just revealed his bad side?

No, the dinner trolley is coming.

Mmm. Lamb Roulade, and Sticky Toffee Pudding.

Terence walks off gripping Baby Pierre between a claw and two fingers.

Achah! chokes Baby Pierre.

Terence stomps up the aisle all the way back to Business class.

Look! says Terence. I found Baby Pierre.

Excellent, says Gaius, looking up from his notes.

Is that all you can say? asks Kong. It's remarkable!

Scheisse! says Sweezus. Where was he?

In economy, says Terence. Sitting on a book of ribbons. Answering questions.

What happens when we die? says Baby Pierre. That was one of the questions. And it made me sad, because I remembered.

No way! says Sweezus.

I remembered Frog dying, says Baby Pierre. When Ageless squished him.

Why is there so much evil in the world? mocks Terence,

Ageless couldn't help it, says Gaius. It's his nature.

No, but that was the next question, says Terence. And Baby Pierre doesn't know the answer.

No one does, says Gaius.

And yet everyone does, says Kong.

Heavy, says Sweezus.

Ask ME, says Terence. It's .....

May I get you anything, gentlemen? asks a flight attendant.

No thank you, says Gaius. But perhaps...

A hat, says Baby Pierre.

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