Friday, December 9, 2016

Memory Tricks

Maricruz makes more hot chocolate.

Gaius calls Ying.

Gaius! says Ying. Are you guys still in San Cristobál de La Laguna?

No we're in Santa Cruz, says Gaius. Where are you now?

Just leaving La Caleta, says Ying. We've been on Magic Seaweed and the boys want to try La Izquierda, against my advice.

Why? Is it dangerous? asks Gaius.

Yes, says Ying. Sucky and hollow, sharp rocks and a smackable wall, whatever that means.

How goes the postcard collection? asks Gaius.

Wet, says Ying. Drying out as we speak, though.

Is it growing? asks Gaius.

Er, no, says Ying. Have you been taking photos?

I have a nice one of a lagarto tizón, says Gaius. A lizard. Just before he ran off with our box.

I mean photos of Daniel O'Connell, says Ying. We could make our own postcards. It would be cheaper.

A good idea, says Gaius. I'll get Kong onto it. Now the reason I called is, where are we staying tonight?

Nowhere, says Ying. I thought you'd still be in La Laguna. I'll book you in at the Horizontal. We stayed there. It was okay-ish.

All right, says Gaius. And secondly, will you book us a ride on the ferry to Gran Canaria tomorrow?

Chasing the loxosceles? says Ying. No luck with the nidicolens?

What an excellent memory you have, says Gaius. Yes, no luck. Daniel O'Connell and White Slits are calling it quits.

Get a photo, says Ying.

I will, by the way, I don't suppose Arthur....


Well, that's sorted, says Gaius. We're staying at the Hotel Horizontal, and catching the ferry to Gran Canaria tomorrow.

Not me, says Terence. I have an excellent memory.

Does he? asks Nina.

Ask him, says Baby Pierre.

What do you remember? asks Nina.

Parrots, says Terence.

No one seems impressed with this memory.

Terence tries harder.

A thousand parrots, and tigers and dolphins and penguins!

Parque Loro! says Nina. He wants to go to Parque Loro.

The Rector said I had to, says Terence.

He said you might like it, says Kong. Not that you had to.

Yes, says Terence. So I would have to.

Stupid, says Baby Pierre.

You wouldn't like it, says Nina. We went there. They made parrots ride bikes. I think it's wrong to make parrots do tricks to entertain humans.

I'm definitely going, says Terence. I want to rescue a parrot.

We'll see about that, says Gaius. Now Kong, how about a photo of Daniel O'Connell and White Slits, before we head off.

Kong gets his phone out and looks around for Daniel O'Connell and White Slits.

They are saying goodbye.

I'll keep in touch, says Daniel O'Connell.

Do that, says White Slits. If you find any relatives in Gran Canaria, send me a photo.

How about a photo right now? says Kong. Ready?

They both strike a pose. She a Lola Montez-style flirty twist and he a Joycean knee- bender.


Good one! says Kong.

Everyone crowds round to look at the photo.

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