Saturday, December 3, 2016

Not Actual Fingers

She does a spider dance, says Baby Pierre.

I do a Spider Dance says Daniel O'Connell. At least, I did, before I became unbalanced.

Let me see, says White Slits. Is it Dragon's Blood?

It is, says Gaius. And we're going inside to see if Diego can find us a solvent.

What a relief that will be, says Daniel O'Connell.

White Slits pokes at the red blob beside the hole near Daniel's bottom.

( It's not his bottom. She knows that. But Terence's cruel description will not leave her).

It's potentially pliable, says White Slits. Lie down.

Daniel O'Connell is not one to say no to a woman.

He lies down.

She spits on the Dragon's Blood. Works it, with four of her fingers.

( Not actual fingers)

It gets softer, with warming.

She pulls it. It stretches. Then ping. It comes off in a ball of red gobble.

Many thanks, dear White Slits, says Daniel O'Connell.

I am not finished, says White Slits. Come here, Baby Pierre.

What about me? asks Terence.

Not you, says White Slits. I want Baby Pierre to roll this red ball out.

What if the colour comes off? asks Baby Pierre.

You'll be RED, says Terence. I wish I could do it.

Here, says Gaius. I'll do it.

He rolls the red blob with his fingers. It gets longer and thinner.

Stop, says White Slits. It's too long, now.

For what? asks Gaius.

A new leg, says Kong. Surely you knew where this was going?

I didn't, says Gaius. But now you say it, it's obvious. What a pity. I could have stopped any time.

Yes, what a pity.

Never mind, says White Slits. The red blob is off. That's something. Let's see you dance.

Daniel stands up. Feels himself wobbly. He tries a few steps.

Then he tries the Spider Dance. Yes, he still has it. Just like James Joyce in the Parisian café.

Long spider legs flailing. One missing. Unlike Joyce, who only had two in the first place. But the similarity is uncanny, especially if you haven't seen it.

Daniel stops dancing. How did I do?

Bravo! says White Slits. Would you like to see mine now?

Not in front of everyone, says Daniel O'Connell. And sadly my red box has floated over the sea to the Roques de Anaga, with a lizard its only passenger. I have no home in which to entertain you.

Come back with me to the garden shed, says White Slits. I have a nook there.

No, says Gaius. I need you both here. Now where was that Chem Lab?

Biology Lab, don't you mean? says Kong. You need them living.

Yes, yes, says Gaius. I mean the Biology Lab. Go and find it. Try that way. Now.... where are those spiders?

Terence and Baby Pierre watch as White Slits and Daniel O'Connell disappear in the direction of the bus stop.

And this time, a bus will be coming.

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