Tuesday, September 11, 2018


Terence is first back to the cabin.

He stops at the door.

He raises the apple bag to see how the bandy bandies are doing.

Not very well. They are rigid and scared.

Gaius and Humboldt arrive seconds later. They enter the cabin.

Gaius's phone lies on the table.

Now for a photo, says Gaius. Terence, be ready to open the bag.

The apple bag had been closed simply by twisting.

The best way to untwist it is to let it untwist by itself.

Terence holds the apple bag by a tiny top section.

It turns slowly, then faster, and opens.

The bandy bandies are free to come out

Wait! says Humboldt. What do we know of their venom?

Very little, says Gaius. Just be careful.

The apple bag is on the floor of the cabin.

Shut the door, says Gaius. We don't want them escaping.

Humboldt shuts the door.

Terence looks into the apple bag.

You can come out now!

The bandy bandies look at one another.


This is their thinking.

They remain in the apple bag.

Should we just tip them out? wonders Humboldt.

Careful, says Gaius. First lift the bag onto the table.

Oosh-liftee! Plop.

Now the apple bag is on the table.

They're not coming out, says Terence. I'll MAKE them.

He peels back the apple bag and exposes the bandy-bandies.

Come out NOW! I'll show you my magic bracelet.

Tttss! Not-we-caring.

You don't have your magic bracelet, says Humboldt. Remember?

I don't have it YET, says Terence.

YET. The bandy bandies know what YET means.

It is not morning YET.

(They are nocturnal)

They look at one another.

But there is no reason to do anything YET.

I'll look for it, says Gaius. As I promised.

He rummages deep in his back pack. Pulls out Terence's flow ring. It is flat at the moment.

He gives it to Terence.


Watch THIS! says Terence. I'm the king. I wear snake shorts I have the best crown. He places the flow ring on his head in its flat configuration.

Tap tap. Boing!

Yes! It still works!

Terence is king of the bandy bandies!

It's ridiculous! The bandy bandies lose their rigidity.

Hoo hoo! They are laughing.

The bandy bandies wriggle out.

Gaius takes several photos.

Some are good ones.

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