Saturday, September 1, 2018

Spinning Pasts And Red Presents

They will catch the bus to the city and then the J1 to the airport.

On the bus to the city:

Gaius: I hope I've packed my pencils. Did you see me do it?

Humboldt: Yes I saw you put them in. One was broken.

Gaius: Was it? Why didn't you say so?

Humboldt: I thought you knew. It broke when the point pierced Pinky.

Pinky: Oaah! Eee! I remember.

Kobo: Mmm. What did it feel like?

Pinky: An exquisite piercing. Ach! And then, an inner shrinking.

Kobo: You have something to teach me.

Pinky: I don't think so.

Kobo: What else do you remember?

Pinky: A flight attendant, blowing me up.

Kobo: A female?

Pinky: Yes, she had soft lips and hands.

Kobo: What about before that?

Pinky: There was a twin me.

Kobo: Of course. Rubber gloves come in pairs. Have you any memory of your manufacture?

Pinky: Let me....

The bus stops in the city. Everyone gets off.

They wait for the JI, which is late coming.

It comes at last. They get on.

On the J1 to the airport:

Terence (who is sitting next to Ageless): Bumhole! Now I don't have a parrot.

Ageless: No one needs a parrot.

Terence: I do.

Ageless: I'll be a parrot. How about that?

Terence: You have to get me things if I need them.

Ageless: No I don't. Heh heh! I just have to wear a red hat.

Ageless drags on his red hat. It smells musty.

Terence: You look like my new parrot.

Ageless: What new parrot?

Terence: The jamina.

Gaius: The jacana. The red crested jacana.

Humboldt: The comb-crested jacana.

Gaius: Yes, of course.

Pinky: I just remembered something creepy.

Kobo: Tell me.

Pinky: I was born on a hand mould. It was spinning. Dipping and spinning. How I coughed!

Kobo: Oh my dear, that sounds....

The J1 arrives at the Adelaide airport.

Everyone gets off.

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