Friday, September 7, 2018

Pretty Mouth

Pinky has rejected Ageless's solution.

Lick her face! That's not better, that's worse.

Ageless, disappointed, licks the pencil.

Now it's all slimy, says Terence.

Let me see, says Pinky. No, it's not slimy.

Okay, says Terence. First I'll give you a ......err.... nothing.

A pretty mouth, says Pinky.

Mm, says Terence. Wait a minute.

What is it? asks Ageless. The pencil won't stay slimy forever.

It's not slimy, says Pinky.

She wants to believe this is so.

Terence pokes Gaius, who is snoozing.

Where's my bird book?

What...what? Your bird book? It will be in the overhead locker. Why do you want it?

I need it for something, says Terence.

It can wait, says Gaius.

It can't, says Terence.

You are persistent, says Gaius, getting up and dragging the bird book from the overhead locker.

Here it is.

Terence leafs through it.

Which one looks most like a parrot?

A parrot? says Gaius. These are shorebirds. I thought you had fixed on the comb crested jacana.

I thought I was getting a face! shouts Pinky.

Not a bird face, says Gaius. Terence, I forbid it!

Just the beak, says Terence.

Absolutely not, says Gaius.

Why not? says Pinky. A beak would be amazing. May I see the bird book?

Everyone is surprised

Pinky is less conservative than they imagined.

Pinky leafs through the bird book.

O, the lovely Eastern curlew, with its down curving bill. This one please.

Bill's too long, says Gaius. May I suggest the whimbrel? It's bill is similar, but half as long. More suited to the size of your face

Yay! says Terence. Hold still, Pinky.

Wait, says Pinky. I haven't consented.

Go on, says Ageless.

Okay, says Pinky.

Terence draws a curved whimbrel bill onto Pinky.

Of necessity, he draws it sideways.

Anyone got a mirror? asks Pinky.

No one has.

And anyway, the captain is announcing their imminent arrival in Weipa.

Pinky is excited.

Soon she'll see Kobo. And Kobo will see her new face.

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