Thursday, September 13, 2018

Ttsss! No Needee!

In the moonlight, a Masked Owl screeches.

A deep rasping screech.

Kobo watches Ageless win the knife game.

Pinky has no chance. You need two hands for the knife game.

One of her pink rubber fingers is shredded.

Enough! says Kobo. Ageless is the winner.

Heh heh! says Ageless. What do I win?

Neither of us, says Kobo. You are outrageously self serving. I'm well aware of your agenda.

What is it? asks Ageless.

He knows, but how does she know?

Pinky destroys herself, says Kobo. I'm at a loose end. You and I get back together.

Close, says Ageless.

Not going to happen, says Kobo. O stars! Look at Pinky!

Pinky is deflated. Her whimbrel bill (the Picasso) is now miniaturised, and raised slightly.

Like when you draw on a balloon, thinks Kobo. And the balloon pops. And the drawing shrinks and looks incredibly detailed. She might like to keep it like that.

But no. She knows Pinky wouldn't.

Terence breaks though clumps of knot vine and coastal jackbean.


I'm in charge! says Terence.

Of what? asks Ageless.

The prison, says Terence. Look at my prisoners.

Where are they? asks Kobo.

On my head, says Terence. Inside my crown.

You must have lost it, says Kobo. Who were the prisoners?

Wah! cries Terence. The bandy bandies! My crown's gone!

They can't be far off , says Kobo. Retrace your footsteps.

What happened to Pinky? asks Terence.

She's sleeping, says Ageless.

She's ruined! says Terence. Everything of mine gets BROKEN!

The bandy bandies are not far away.

They are under the jackbean, inside the prison, waiting for silence.

What-to-doo! We-love-he.

Ttsss! Not-we-do-hiding


They slither out of their prison.

It's easy.  The walls are slinky.

Phew! says Terence. I found them! Come here boys! Where's the prison?

Ttsss! No-needee-prison-stickee-together.

They're not very good at talking, observes Kobo.

I'm teaching them, says Terence. YES NEEDEE PRISON!

The bandy bandies would have gone back to the jackbean and hauled out the prison, but....

They spot Pinky.

Bandy bandies are burrowing creatures.

Pinky looks like the perfect new home.

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