Tuesday, November 19, 2019

He Might Come Down For Manna

It seems all the local birds know Spotty.

He likes the high life, says the female Beautiful Firetail.

He flits around in the high eucalypt canopy, says the male.

White gums, says female.

Has he? asks Arthur.

Ha ha, laugh the birds.

Would he come down for lerps? asks Arthur.

Who wouldn't? says the female.

Have you got some? asks the male.

Yes, says Arthur. In this paper bag.

He pulls it out of his pocket. A steak knife falls out.

Steak knife, says Arthur.

Nice one, says the male Beautiful Firetail. Now let's see those lerps.

Arthur opens the bag.

The male sticks his beak in and sniffs deeply.

Tainted!  says the male. Smell this! he invites the female.

She sniffs and recoils. Onions! Euw!

He won't eat those, says the female Beautiful Firetail. He might come down for manna.

Arthur makes a mental note. Manna.

Dad comes over with Gaius.

First aid kit, says Dad. Let's see that knee.

He opens the first aid kit. Takes out a sealed packet.

These are good, says Dad. Completely sterile.

He puts on rubber gloves. And tears open a packet of softening solution. And picks up a cotton ball with tweezers.

The Firetails eye the cotton ball.

Can we have that when you're finished?

No, says Dad. It might be infected.

Knee up, Arthur.

Arthur bends his knee up, balancing now on one leg.

Dad starts dabbing.

This could take a while, and already Arthur feels dizzy.

Maybe it IS infected.

He wouldn't mind that.

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