Sunday, February 26, 2023

Bean And Seed Visible

 'Soy busy'. 

At least Dart Blaster guy got the joke.

And he appears to have forgotten the twelve missing darts.

Which were not Arthur's problem in the first place.

Arthur heads back to where Hedley is counting out seeds, and Terence is tearing the brown paper bag into smaller and smaller pieces.

How many seeds in each packet? asks Arthur.

Six, says Hedley. Three beans and three nasturtiums.

Hear that, Terence, says Arthur. Three beans and three nasturtiums. What does that tell you?

Hedley's done a good job of counting, says Terence.

Thanks, says Hedley. 

Anything else? asks Arthur, picking up a random small piece of brown paper.

I'm doing a good job too, says Terence. See all this paper?

Each piece of paper has to be big enough to wrap up six seeds, says Arthur.

Okay, says Terence.

Try it, says Arthur.

Terence picks up a bean.

Remember which pile it came from, says Hedley.

The pile with one missing, says Terence. 

Hedley keeps an eye on the pile with one missing, in case Terence forgets.

Terence wraps up the bean.

One bean, says Arthur. Now unwrap it.

Terence unwraps the bean.

Try two beans, says Arthur.

It is now that Terence realises he has torn up the brown paper until the squares are too small.

Wah! says Terence. Can we start again?

Too late! says Arthur. Show starts in half an hour.

Try one bean and one nasturtium, says Hedley.

Terence tries one bean and one nasturtium.

The paper almost closes around them.

Twist the ends, says Arthur. No, don't. Give it here. I'll do it.

He tries twisting the ends of the paper, but this only opens a gap in the centre, through which the bean and seed are now visible. However, if the twist of paper is held gap-side up, they stay in.

Decision time, says Arthur. One or two?

Two, says Terence.

One, says Hedley.

I'll leave it to you, says Arthur. I've got to get into my costume. And hurry up. You do too.

We're in our costume, says Terence.

That's your sheep costume, says Arthur. In scene one you're the children. They don't have red tails.

How fortunate it is that Belle turns up right now.

What are you doing? says Belle. Get out of those sheep shorts and into your children costumes! 

They haven't wrapped up the seeds yet, says Arthur.

You do it, says Belle. You're not on till scene three.

So Arthur ends up having to do it.

Knowing Arthur, he'll think of a shortcut.

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