Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Logical Toe Finding

 Find my toe! shouts Terence.

Wait, says Gaius. Let's do this methodically.

Yes! says Terence. 

A rake would be ideal, says Gaius.

Anyone have a rake? asks Vello.

We all have fingers, says Hedley's mother. 

Of course, says Gaius. Let us divide the area into sections.

What with? asks Terence.

A stick! shouts Hedley.

He loves science.

Hedley runs off to look for a stick on the beach. Terence runs off in the opposite direction.

Good, says Gaius. That's four less feet to worry about. And we don't need a stick to start raking.

But we should divide the area between us, says Vello. Otherwise our fingers may intertwine.

He looks at Hedley's mother.

I'll divide it, says Hedley's mother. Now we know that Terence kicked the tooth here. Therefore his toe must be inside this perimeter. I'll take the mid section.

Are you sure that's best? asks Gaius. Your knees may press Terence's lost toe further into the sand.

I shall not be on my knees within the perimeter, says Hedley's mother. If I knock down this sand castle. I can kneel here and extend my fingers into the area in question.

Bravo, says Vello. But that sand castle represents one of the mountains that surround Eldorado.

A sand castle can be rebuilt, says Hedley's mother. A lost toe is lost forever.

Unless it is found, says Vello.

Which is what we'll be attempting, says Hedley's mother.

She kicks down a mountain of Eldorado with her foot.

She kneels in the spot where it was, certain this will not be where Terence's toe is.

She reaches forward and starts raking the sand with her fingers.

Vello and Gaius watch her for a moment.

Her bottom moves rhythmically.

Will she find it?

Come on you two, says Hedley's mother. 

They collect themselves, and, kicking down two more mountains, they kneel and rake the sand either side of her, with their fingers.

Anyone approaching from behind might wonder what they are doing.

But no matter.

Logically, they will soon find the toe.

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