Saturday, February 25, 2023

What The Sauce Said

Arthur is searching for lost Nerf darts, in the grass.

He has already found seven.

He takes them to the Dart Blaster entrance.

Here, says Arthur. Your lost darts.

The Dart Blaster guy counts them.

Seven? There's nineteen missing

Nineteen minus seven, says Arthur.

Okay, so twelve, says the guy. Keep looking.

I'm kind of busy, says Arthur. Our show starts in an hour.

What is it? asks the Dart Blaster Guy.

What They Saw In The Country of Eldorado, says Arthur.

Terrible title, says Dart Blaster guy.

I didn't invent it, says Arthur.

Are you in it?

Yes, says Arthur. I'm playing the King of Eldorado. I'm supposed to be witty in Spanish.

That's risky, says Dart Blaster guy. The audience might not get it.

I keep it simple, says Arthur.

Run a joke past me, says Dart Blaster guy. 

No, says Arthur. Come and see it. It starts at seven.

I might still be working, says Dart Blaster guy.

Okay, says Arthur. Imagine this dart is a sauce bottle.

He addresses the sauce bottle.

Quièn eres?

What does that mean? asks Dart Blaster guy. See, mate? I'm lost already.

What are you? says Arthur.

Lost already, says Dart Blaster guy.

I was asking the sauce, says Arthur. Quièn eres means 'what are you?' in Spanish.

I guess a king talking to a sauce bottle could be funny, says Dart Blaster guy.

You haven't heard the punch line, says Arthur.

Wait a sec, says Dart Blaster guy. Got some customers.

He checks the tickets of several children and shows them the Dart Blasters and the darts, of which there are plenty.

Go for it kids! says Dart Blaster guy. You have twenty minutes!

Now, he says turning to Arthur. What's the punch line?

Arthur holds up his dart, which is doubling as an imaginary sauce bottle.

Soy sauce, says Arthur, in the sticky brown voice he invented.

Either Dart Blaster guy has forgotten the opening question (quièn eres?) or he doesn't realise that the answer is in a mixture of Spanish and English (soy sauce).

He looks blank. 

Soy sauce, says Arthur. Meaning, I am sauce. And there's another good joke about a vanishing Peruvian magician. So, are you coming?

Don't think so, says Dart Blaster guy. Soy busy.

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