Saturday, June 9, 2012

How to Get on Without Money

Baby Pierre has arrived in La Rochelle. Now, how to find Gaius and Margaret? He heads for the Grosse Horloge.

Sooner or later everyone in La Rochelle passes under the Grosse Horloge.

Baby Pierre waits under the old stone archway.

Time passes. He looks up at the clock in the tower. It's lunchtime. People are sitting at cafes in the open air eating their lunch. The sun shines on the boats in the harbour. He smells the sweet smell of seafood. It reminds him of Ageless, his dad.

Across the road, on a step near the big anchor, he sees a few gypsies with dogs.

One of the gypsies is tall and imposing. He wears boots and a long black cloak and carries a claw, made of horn.

Baby Pierre goes over to speak to the gypsy.

Have you seen a man and a woman? he asks.

Is it a film? growls the gypsy. No, I haven't. I'm a gypsy. I travel.

I travel as well, says Baby Pierre. Travelling is hard.

You're telling me, says the gypsy. No one wants to give you their money. They just give you scraps for your dog. Psha!

Baby Pierre was impressed.

So how do you live? asks Baby Pierre.

Like a gypsy, says the gypsy. We move about.

How? asks Baby Pierre.

Oh, by train, says the gypsy. But we don't pay.

Neither do I, says Baby Pierre. I just get on.

Join us, says the gypsy. I see you're a gypsy at heart.

Alright, says Baby Pierre. What do I do?

Go and sit over there with this bowl, says the gypsy. At the end of the day, bring it here.

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