Thursday, November 17, 2016

Widen Your Horizons

It's early morning, and Baby Pierre is awake on Maricruz's kitchen table.

Beside him are parts of the spider.

The spider had NOT been included in the invitation to come in for hot chocolate.

And Maricruz had make short work of the spider.

Baby Pierre thinks about What Could Have Been If She Hadn't:

Replete with hot chocolate, the spider could have admitted to being a Black Jumping Spider.

And Baby Pierre would have chanced a new question.

How do you feel about dancing? I know a good teacher.

This would have been Daniel O'Connell.

And Baby Pierre would figure out how to affect an introduction.

Instead the spider is scattered in parts on the table.

Two white stripes along the prosoma towards the abdomen.

Several white spots behind the posterior lateral eyes.

Maricruz comes down in her floral bata de baño.

How did you sleep? asks Maricruz.

I didn't, says Baby Pierre. I was thinking of lost opportunities.

There are plenty more spiders in the shed, says Maricruz. It's not as though you have lost all opportunities.

She blows the spider parts off the table.

They drift down to the floor where they lie, never again to be jumping.

Or learning to dance, taught by Daniel O'Connell.


Early morning in Bar Let It Be.

You can hire bicycles at Bicicletas Total Bike Shop, says Sebastián.

Cool, says Sweezus. And where are the best surf spots?

Couldn't be further apart, says Sebastián. North and South of the island. I'll draw you a map. Where's that parrot postcard?

You're not having it, says Ying. Have one of Arthur's.

Arthur hands Sebastián a dried wrinkled postcard with holes poked through it.

Sebastian draws a map of the island, avoiding the gaps.


Early morning in San Cristóbal de La Laguna.

Gaius and Kong wait outside the Hotel Nivaria, with Terence and Daniel O'Connell.

The Rector pulls up in an Opel Astra.

Ready? asks the Rector. Hop in. I hired this from Thrifty. Now, how are you at walking?

We prefer it, says Gaius.

Excellent, says the Rector. We'll drive up into the Mountains of Anaga, then we'll walk one of the trails. I have 'Tenerife on Foot' map trail number 25 in the glove box. This is a nice trail with many cacti and other beautiful plants. Little villages in the clouds. One is a cave village, inhabited by troglodytes. I shall show you a thousand year old dragon tree.....

Any parrots? asks Terence.

Do you like birds? asks the Rector.

Only parrots, says Terence.

This trip will widen your horizons, says the Rector.

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