Saturday, November 26, 2022

Eyes Of The Pancake

It is morning at last.

Time for my lesson! says Terence.

Breakfast first, says Belle.

They go downstairs to the kitchen, where the saints are busy cooking.

Potato pancakes! says Saint Méen. The first one is ready.

He flips it onto a plate.

Is that mine? asks Terence.

It could be, says Saint Méen. I thought you didn't eat pancakes.

No he doesn't, says Belle. But he'd still like to have it.

Yes, Terence would like to have it. 

He stares at his pancake. It looks plain. What it needs is a face.

There is not much in the saints' kitchen to make a face with. 

Only potato peelings, and there are plenty of them.

Terence makes a face on his pancake with some of the peelings.

The mouth is brown and smiley. The eyes look sneaky.

He rolls it up with the face on the inside.

Can I wait outside? asks Terence.

Okay, says Belle. I'll be out as soon as I've finished my pancake.

Terence goes outside with his pancake. 

The pony is at the fence, looking over.

Greetings! says Terence. Are you better?

Better? says the pony. I'm the best! I'm the only pony Madame Ponty has, so I must be.

From the bad sugar, says Terence. 

O that, says the pony. Went right through me. What's that in your hand?

A pancake, says Terence. It's for you. But you only get it after.

Are you joking? asks the pony. Don't tantalise.

What then? asks Terence.

Give it to me now and I'll make sure your lesson goes smoothly, says the pony.

Okay, half, says Terence.

He unrolls the pancake. The pancake's sneaky eyes fall to the ground.

What are those? asks the pony.

Eyes, says Terence.

They look like potato peelings, but the thought is enough to spook a pony.

The pony backs away.

Belle comes out to fetch Terence.

Nice, says Belle. You've made friends with the pony. 

Yes, says Terence.

Right, let's go round to meet Madame Ponty, says Belle. We'll go the long way.

The long way is not very long.

Soon Belle is knocking on the door of Madame Ponty.

Welcome! says Madame Ponty. Is this the young person who's having the lesson?

Yes, says Belle. This is Terence.

He doesn't look very flexible, says Madame Ponty. He must do some warm-up exercises first  And what's this? A pancake? I hope it's not for the pony. 

It's Terence's breakfast, says Belle.

Then he must eat it, says Madame Ponty. A good breakfast is essential. Eat up, young man.

Terence shoves the pancake into his mouth before Belle can explain that Terence doesn't normally eat things.

This does not augur well.

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