Monday, May 22, 2023

Hard One-Eyed Spider

Banjo has reached the tree six trees down.

He scampers up it.

Shame we can't film this, says Gaius. 

He can do it again, says Terence. When we get the drone back.

Can you see anything at all? asks Pierre-Louis.

Possum faces and stars, says Terence. 

Which indicates the possums are not in their hollow, says Gaius.

Good deduction, says Pierre-Louis. 

Banjo will find them, says Terence. 

And Banjo does.

Aunty and Uncle Possum and Baby are near the top of the tree with a view of the stars.

They are looking at the drone.

Hello everyone, says Banjo. 

Hello Baby, says Baby.

I'm not called Baby, says Banjo. 

You used to be, says Baby.

But now I'm called Banjo, says Banjo.

Ridiculous, says Aunty Possum.

No, says Banjo. Did you know there are other Leadbeater's possums in Yellingbo, not quite like us?

Names, names! says Uncle Possum. 

One of them's a Baby, says Banjo. But he's called Banjo. He's named after a poet.

Woo! says Baby. Can I be called Banjo?

Anyone can, says Banjo.

Surely that's confusing, says Uncle Possum.

Never mind, says Aunty Possum. We have worse things to worry about. Like this hard one-eyed spider.

Ha ha! laughs Banjo. That's not a hard one-eyed spider. That's our drone.

Since when did your parents get a drone? asks Uncle Possum.

Not them, says Banjo. But they were in a movie. That's not an eye, that's a camera.

Who made this movie and what was it about? asks Aunty Possum.

Terence made it, says Banjo. It was about fighting with pencils.

Terence? What's he named after? asks cousin Banjo.

A Roman playwright, says Banjo. See how it works?

No, says Uncle Possum. But if this thing isn't a hard spider I guess we've wasted our time bringing it to this secret location.

Yes, says Banjo. And Gaius wants it back.

Gaius. What's he named after? asks Aunty Possum.

I don't know, says Banjo. You'll have to ask him.

Not interested, says Uncle Possum. But he can have his drone back.

Can I go with Banjo? asks cousin Banjo.

I suppose so, says Aunty Possum. As long as you get back to our hollow at dawn.

Find your own food, says Uncle Possum. We won't be bringing you any.

Yes, Dad! says cousin Banjo.

He and Banjo each grab an arm of the drone and start pulling it downwards.

Uncle and Aunty Possum shake their heads. 

Young people! 

With names! 

Whatever next?

They head off to look for real spiders

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