Sunday, January 18, 2009

Communications of Birds 2

The parrots, if they were parrots, in the tree, if they were in the tree, on Saturday morning were probably talking, very fast.

I know this now because I have visited the site of Ryan B Reynolds, Parrot Intelligence Researcher, called A Journey into the Mind of a Talking Parrot.

Ryan, who has studied his talking budgies for years, has recorded some of his conversations with Victor, and Betty, his best talkers. Victor ( now sadly deceased) in particular was a legend. He made jokes, he complained about stale bird seed, and he worried about making people feel sad.
And Victor believed in God.

The recordings have been slowed down a bit because parrots talk very fast says Ryan and this is because they live life at a faster rate than humans. Victor sounds in the recordings a little like Ryan talking in a funny voice but I suppose that is only natural.

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