Friday, January 23, 2009

Various Interruptions

That makes no sense, said Pliny the Elder. If 2 standing people get off a tram how does that allow you to sit down?

A lot of other people got off as well, I replied, because we had reached Victoria Square. That is called a telescoping of events.

It is called careless writing, said Pliny. And surely you are jesting when you say the story is to be continued?

I am not jesting, I said. I want to tell this story.

But, said Pliny the Elder, I must protest. I had not finished my dissertation on the magpie.

It seems we have interrupted one another, I said graciously, and for my part I am sorry. I shall allow you to finish your magpie story just as soon as I have finished with my tram journey, including the return trip.

Including the return trip! he choked. May I ask is there a point to it?

No, it is a post modern type of story, and does not need a point. Nor does it need an end. But since you are in a hurry I will end it at the point when I get off the tram after my return journey, and not continue to the Central Market which is where I went next to meet Nostradamus and buy a pineapple, and a rainbow trout.

Pray continue, said the Elder. You shall hear no further interruption from me.

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