Friday, January 16, 2009

Pliny's Home Brew

This is our recipe for a great Lager Home Brew.

1. Be given a Cooper's 30 litre Microbrew Kit.

2. Make the Home Brew according to the instructions.

Couldn't be easier. Or could it?

Yes, it was even easier for me, because Nostradamus was given the home brewing kit, so I had to do nothing at all, other than listen to the brown mixture burbling away behind me for a few days, wait one more week, and sample it! It tastes like proper beer, with a lemony finish.

Pliny the Elder doesn't like it of course. He recently discovered that someone in California had named a beer after him and he was hopping mad. He sent them a complaining letter. Alas, he wrote, what a wonderful ingenuity vice possesses! Man has even discovered how to make water intoxicating! I would ask that my name not be associated with your enterprise were it not that we both know I am out of copyright.

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