Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Pliny, did you mean that in a good way?


When I said it sounded dangerous, and you replied that they were French, did you mean that the French in your opinion are particularly brave, or just insane?

Well, says Pliny, as you know I spent some time in Gaul when I was a consul in the Roman Army, so I have had a longer association with the French than most. In those days they used to cut off their enemies' heads and nail them to walls or hang them from their horses' necks.

Insane, then?

No, no! Brave.

Oh, of course. So anyway, tell me what you thought of the pyrotechnical display. It sounds quite thrilling.

It was. However I believe it was political. The Premier gave a short speech at the beginning.

Oh no! Well, you were lucky it was short. What did he say?

He said that naturally everyone would vote for him in the coming election because he delivered festivals and free fireworks displays to the people.

Come on! He didn't.

I was paraphrasing.


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